If you have any questions about video mapping, projection, photogrammetry or land art, do not hesitate to leave me a message via this contact form, and I'll be back to you ASAP.
You can write me in english, french, italian and spanish.
Ugo Cassanello
12 rue Jean Delorme
28320 Bailleau-Armenonville
phone number : +33 (6) 18 97 69 75
See all my mapping, photogrammetry and 3d design videos on Ugo Cassanello's Vimeo page
Follow UGOsansH on FaceBook www.facebook.com/video.mapping.photogrammetry
Access to Ugo Cassanello's YouTube channel dedicated to digital video mapping and photogrammetry
Want to leave me a message ? You can use the form in the contact page